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24,95 €
Calisthenics Training Program (Intermediate) to stay fit and to improve the overall resistance of the body.
4 differents workout days per 4 weeks of training with increasing difficulty.
10-15 Pull/Chin ups; 30 Push ups; 20 Dips.
Equipment Needed:
Jumping rope; 2 steps; Adjustable Pull-up Bar and Parallel Bars for Dips.
The training program includes photos to understand the execution of the exercises.
Languages: English and Italian.
Non-Refundable Product.
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Edu Aldrete (verified owner) –
The mos complete calisthenics program so far, it is totally
worth it
Joffrey Thoinet (verified owner) –
best € 39,99. Its so good. one of the best you got as i brought almost all of them
Luso (verified owner) –
Difficulty between week 3 and week 4 is not 1 week progress possible
Andrea Larosa –
Hi, you can repeat the 3rd week until you will be able to handle the 4th week of training.
Patience is the key.
Alex Gracie –
Havent bought the program yet, but am thinking about it, just have a few questions:
1. What are the (2 steps) listed in the equipment needed?
2. I only just meet the requirements, so is it possible that I can repeat the weeks until I am strong enough to move on?
3. Is there skill training included in the program, as I want to learn skills like Handstand, L sit and Muscle up?
Majid –
Is there skill training included in the program, as I want to learn skills like Handstand and Muscle up?
Fakhreddine Ajami (verified owner) –
I purchased the program a month ago. My last workout day was yesterday.
I really have big respect to this dude. The program is well explained, and considering that I’ve got some good basic strength in calisthenics, I really found this program to be exactly tailored to my current level at the time.
I succeeded to perform all exercises and got to learn two new (Ice cream maker and dips ice cream maker).
Last day (push and pull day) of fourth week is a killer! Only missed half of the last set.. I love it.
Look guys, when you feel really sore although you’ve been in the game for relatively a decent time, you really know you’re gaining biiig time.
Larosa, cheers bro
I’m now purchasing the advanced program.. looking forward to it
I’ll also send before and after pictures when I’m done.
panda –
it‘s cool. When I first saw the routine,I thought it was easy, really for intermediate? After I tried the routine, it is not easy at all. The coach really knows the ability of intermediate people. thumb-up
Jorge de Felipe Moreira –
Will you learn any skills?
What split?
How much time aprox
Andrea Larosa –
The programs includes only the best basic calisthenics exercises.
These programs will help you to increase overall basic bodyweight strength and to conditioning your body for the most advanced exercises (like front lever and similar).
However there are not specific exercises to learn such elements.
Jorge de Felipe Moreira –
Thanks so much for your help.
JoeM –
É stato un programma davvero divertente ed è spiegato molto bene. Ho imparato a riscaldarmi in modo corretto e ho aumentato i miei massimali in esercizi come trazioni e dips. Consiglio a tutti di provarlo.
Teodor Toma (verified owner) –
One of the most complete calisthenics programs so far.
Even if you have a decent base in this sport, every workout is challenging, fact that gives you a strong fundation in calisthenics. It’s totally worth it.
sahildip singh (verified owner) –
Looks like a great program i’m going to start tommorow but i had a question, how much rest time can you have in between different exercises, is it the same like the rest time in between sets?
aqif mali –
How do I combine your leg program with the intermediate program?
Jim –
Looks like a great program i’m going to start tommorow but i had a question, how much rest time can you have in between different exercises, is it the same like the rest time in between sets?
Andrea Larosa –
Hi, rest time between sets and exercises is the same.
Andrea Montagnese (verified owner) –
Hi Andrea, just bought the program, just wanted to clarify one thing.
When you say 3 pull ups + hold TUT 10″
does it mean that every rep is followed by a 10″ hold before moving to the next one or that you do 3 pull ups and only after the hold?
Waiting for your reply I choose the harder way just in case
Andrea Larosa –
3 Pull ups + Hold TUT 10″ means that you should do 3 repetitions of pull ups and then hold for 10 seconds the position right after the 3rd rep.
Lenny Werner (verified owner) –
I just bought the program and I am wondering how to do the rest days. Should I do Pull, Push, Legs, Rest, Push&Pull, Rest, Rest? Or how is It meant? Thanks
Andrea Larosa –
usually 1 day of workout and 1 day of rest should be okay.
Obviously it all depends by how much free time you have during the week, so you can adjust everything to your needs.
Jack Faichnie (verified owner) –
Andrea this programme is excellent, for people questioning whether to buy it or not I recommend it. The workout is perfect for me so far pushing me harder than before.
I have a quick question after the completion of this programme do you recommend we do it again increasing the reps or is the next step to go to the advanced programme
Thanks in advance
Andrea Larosa –
thank you for the feedback! I usually recommend to start the advanced program.
The first 2 weeks are the same difficulty of the last workouts of the intermediate program, feel free to increase the reps according to your effort level.
Andrea Montagnese (verified owner) –
Hi Andrea, one question, I arrived at week 3 and I can’t seem to complete the workouts (pull ups barely and push not at all), what should I do? Decrease the overall reps? Add rest time? I don’t want to arrive at second half of the workout exhausted and neglect exercises or do them wrongly
Andrea Larosa –
To save some “energy/strength” you can decrease the number of reps on the first part of the session.
As already explained in the workout sheet, you have to keep in mind the “EL” during every set.
Just keep working and you will progress.
Henry Santos –
What does the program include? I have one for planche and I would like to see how I include that one for planche and what it includes
Andrea Larosa –
The programs includes the best basic calisthenics exercises. (Such as Pull ups, Dips, push ups and variations)
These programs will help you to increase overall basic bodyweight strength and to “prepare” your body for the most advanced exercises (like front lever and similar).
However there are not specific exercises to learn such elements.
Jorge Ortiz (verified owner) –
After trying out the first workout in this program, I was shocked at how difficult it was even though I was already able to do weighted pull ups with 90lb and weighted dips with 105lb. 3 months later, I am now ready to move on to the advanced program. My strength increased every single week while addressing my weaknesses which were a weak core and weak chin/pull up holds.